Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Girl Can Only Take So Much!

So last semester I had the bright idea to take 3 online classes. I thought it would be cake, seeing as how well I have done in school before. But Oh. My. God. Taking 3 online classes is like taking the workload of 6 in person classes. I am just floored by how much reading there is! I mean, they are all literature classes, but still, I have to read (conservatively, usually more) a good 100 pages of text book every week on top of my usual 30-40 hours at work every week. I have noticed so much change in me lately too. I am ALWAYS tired, and I hate this. I feel like no matter how much sleep I get, it's never enough. Plus I have been sick every other week since January. I have never been sick so constantly in my life, and now my immune system is almost non-existent. That's something I miss having... an immune-system. Keep yours close to your heart. Cherish it, because once it's gone, it takes a LOT to get it back. Ughhh. So now I've been poppin' the Cuties like crazy, and hoping the vitamin C kicks in soon. I just can't stand being sick, staying up late doing homework every night, and working so many hours ALL the time. A girl can only take so much!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Disney Reunion

So I haven't been working at Disney for quite a while now, which is very okay. I need to focus on getting through school and starting my dream career as a high school language arts teacher. I feel that working at Disney was a great chapter in my life, but it's time to grow up and focus on what is going to provide a life for Kris and I, what's going to help us get on our feet and start a family. I miss being at Disney every now and then, but I also feel that I am doing something with my life again, which is not how I felt when I was working there. It's a great company, and it will always have a special place in my heart, but it wasn't where I belonged. Ultimately it's a business, and I am not a business woman.

I have been feeling recently that I NEED to get out of the house and take a vacation. When I found out one of my DCP (Disney College Program) roommates felt the same way, and the other was coming to AZ to visit, I KNEW we had to do a Disney trip! So the weekend of April the 14th, the BFFL DLFS will be going back to Disneyland, a place we haven't all been at together for three years! It's a great feeling to be reliving a bit of the past, and we are already planning the restaurants we want to go to and the rides that are must dos. It's like a bunch of kids trying to plan a Disney trip, but I'm honestly just too excited for it, it's ridiculous!!

Living in Arizona with a Premier pass makes me so damn antsy to get back to the parks. I know I won't be able to get back to WDW anytime soon, but it doesn't stop me from planning trips online, and seeing how much everything would cost... too much for me to afford, obviously. So getting back to Disneyland makes me feel good, like my pass isn't going completely to waste.